48EC9FA1-147D-4AD4-9CB7-423B454746B2  Tucker Swimming at DU 58718402783  2C74975C-67C6-4B12-8638-15286C0A83E5  Stones Stage 58725657228  8E368EB2-6E5E-4CD9-A0F3-A978805415C0  Miss Chris on Delaware. 59487882624  B481C4A8-4665-40DA-BFA7-1FF96C0A757E  Jammin at Jason's
IMG 7711  Jazz at City Park IMG 7712  Buckner Funkin Jazz at City Park IMG 7713 IMG 7714
IMG 7715  Summer Garden IMG 7716  Sissy's Summer Garden IMG 7717  Summertime IMG 7718  Blue
IMG 7724  Tucker at the Grateful Dead in Boulder IMG 7725  Grateful Dead in Boulder IMG 7726  Tucker at the Grateful Dead in Boulder IMG 7727  Grateful Dead in Boulder
IMG 7728 IMG 7729  July 6th, Dead and Company. Folsom Field IMG 7730  Grateful Dead in Boulder IMG 7731  Crowd at  Dead and Company in Boulder
IMG 7732  Our view at Dead and Company in Boulder IMG 7733 IMG 7734  Gorgeous Day Dead and Company in Boulder IMG 7735
IMG 7736 IMG 7737  Lokn Shirt at Dead and Company in Boulder IMG 7738  Where we ended up at Dead and Company in Boulder IMG 7739
IMG 7740  Flower Power IMG 7741 IMG 7742  Bobby on Screen at Dead and Company in Boulder IMG 7743
IMG 7744 IMG 7745 IMG 7746  Bobby at Dead and Company in Boulder IMG 7747
IMG 7748 IMG 7749 IMG 7750 IMG 7751  USWNT Wins the CUp
IMG 7752  Tucker Swims IMG 7760  Le Tour IMG 7761  Hey Pocky Way IMG 7762  Hey Pocky Way
IMG 7763  Tucker goes to Camp Jackson IMG 7764  Funny Memory Book IMG 7765  Rosedale Wheelchair Dude IMG 7767  Gettin old.
IMG 7776  Englewood IMG 7778  RMTFK IMG 7779  Noah, Tucker and Wyatt go to Camp Jackson IMG 7780  Noah, Tucker and Wyatt
IMG 7781  Noah, Tucker and Wyatt IMG 7782  Jason and Evan at Living the Dream IMG 7784  Jason's Set IMG 7785  Jason, Evan and Rob
IMG 7786  Jason, Evan and Rob IMG 7787  Jason, Evan and Rob IMG 7788  Jason, Evan and Rob IMG 7789  Jason, Evan and Rob
IMG 7793  Jason's Backyard and Jack! IMG 7794  The usual 21 Miler IMG 7795  The usual 21 Miler profile IMG 7813  Sherman Street Block Party
IMG 7814  Rainbow in the hood IMG 7815 IMG 7817  Tombstone on the news. IMG 7818  Map of Burro Race in Leadville
IMG 7819  Toy for Tucker in Leadville IMG 7820  Toy for Tucker IMG 7827  Burro Race in Leadville IMG 7836  Burro Race in Leadville
IMG 7837  Burro Race in Leadville IMG 7838  Here come the Burros in Leadville IMG 7839  Burros IMG 7840  Burros Racing
IMG 7841  Racing Burros IMG 7842  Run Burro Run IMG 7843  Running Burros Run IMG 7844  They are burros that are running a race
IMG 7845 IMG 7846  People watch burros racing IMG 7848  I see a burro racing IMG 7849  Racing Burros are what I see.
IMG 7850  Burros Burros Burros IMG 7852 IMG 7853  Burros IMG 7854
IMG 7856  Turquoise Lake Hikes IMG 7857  They never showed. IMG 7859  Our amazing Campsite at Turquoise Lake IMG 7861  Tucker at Turquoise Lake
IMG 7863  Tucker and Sissy at our amazing Campsite at Turquoise Lake IMG 7867  Tucker at Turquoise Lake IMG 7868  Tucker at Turquoise Lake IMG 7869  Tucker at Turquoise Lake
IMG 7870  Tucker and Sissy at Turquoise Lake IMG 7872 IMG 7873  Tucker and Sissy at Turquoise Lake IMG 7874  Tucker and Sissy at Turquoise Lake
IMG 7875  Tucker at the fort at Turquoise Lake IMG 7877  River running thru Georgetown IMG 7878  River running through Georgetown IMG 7879  Hand Sculptures in Georgetown
IMG 7880  Tucker and Sissy in Georgetown IMG 7881  Slow the Funk Down! IMG 7882  First Day Lillies IMG 7883  Stones Tickets
IMG 7884  Stones Truck at Mile High IMG 7885  Stones Truck at Mile High IMG 7886  Me goin to the Stones IMG 7887  Sissy and Bagus going to the Stones
IMG 7888  Bagus and Sissy going to the Rolling Stones IMG 7889  Sunset for the Stones Concert IMG 7890  Let's go to the Stones IMG 7891  Amazing Front Row Balcony Seats for the Stones
IMG 7892  Stones crowd IMG 7893  Stones Crowd IMG 7894  Stones setup at Mile High IMG 7895  Nathaniel Rateliff
IMG 7896  Stones Stage at Mile High IMG 7897  Stones Stage IMG 7898 IMG 7902  Stones Jamming at Mile High
IMG 7905  Stones Jamming at Mile High IMG 7906  Stones Jamming at Mile High IMG 7907  Stones Jamming at Mile High IMG 7908  Stones Jamming at Mile High
IMG 7909  Purpletrators at the Museum fields with Tommy IMG 7910  Tommy playing with the Purpletrators IMG 7911  Tommy! IMG 7912  Tommy
IMG 7913 IMG 7915  Our old place on Delaware IMG 7916 IMG 7917  Our old place on Delaware
IMG 7918  Our old place on Delaware IMG 7919  Our old place on Delaware IMG 7920  a 35 miler IMG 7921  35 miler profile
IMG 7924  Dirty Dozen at the Levitt Pavillion IMG 7925  Dirty Dozen at the Levitt Pavillion IMG 7927  Dirty Dozen at the Levitt Pavillion IMG 7928  Dirty Dozen at the Levitt Pavillion
IMG 7930  Dirty Dozen at the Levitt Pavillion IMG 7933  Frenchy? IMG 7934  Frenchie?! IMG 7969  Big Bug
IMG 7971  Sissy's Gone! IMG 7972  41 Miler! IMG 7973  Veggie Harvest IMG 7974  22 Miler around Cherry Creek
IMG 7975  47 Miler! IMG 7976  47 Miler Profile IMG 7977  Mt. Evans Hikes IMG 7978  Mt Evans Hike
IMG 7979  Sissy and Tucker on Mt. Evans IMG 7980  Mt. Goats on Guanella Pass IMG 7981  Idaho Springs Map IMG 7982  Planet Earth
IMG 7983  Earth at Sunset IMG 7985  Tucker's 6th Grade Class IMG 7986  Tucker's Art (top row, 2nd from left) displayed at Waldorf School IMG 7987  Tucker's art on display
IMG 7988  Tucker's Art at the Waldorf School IMG 7989  Crane out my 10th floor office window on Writer's Square IMG 7993  Crane out my 10th floor office window on Writer's Square IMG 7994  Crane out my 10th floor office window on Writer's Square
IMG 7995  Sissy's new Santa Fe Hyundai IMG 7996  Light shine upon the new car IMG 7997  Sissy's New Car IMG 7998  The Neused Santa Fe
IMG 7999  Ramune at the Asian grocery on Federal IMG 8001  I paid Hunter IMG 8002  Stuff getting built on the mall IMG 8003  Bagus Go-Kart Racing
IMG 8004  Obstruction IMG 8005  Big Ride IMG 8006  20 miles looks short now. IMG 8007  15 miler
IMG 8008  35 miler again IMG 8009  Wireless mic setup at the company meeting IMG 8010  I ended up buying it. IMG 8011  nope
IMG 8012  I want one IMG 8013  how much ya wanna spend? IMG 8014  View out my office window onto Larimer St. IMG 8015  View out my office window onto Larimer St.
IMG 8016  View out my office window onto Larimer St. IMG 8017  Rosedale Wheelchair Dude IMG 8018  Rosedale wheelchair Dude IMG 8019  Go Wheelchair dude go
IMG 8020  Purgola needs fixin IMG 8021  Pergola is a little uneven IMG 8022  Ryan my boss at work and his new dog IMG 8023  it's coming for Tom
IMG 8024  Tom gets stuck in Wyoming IMG 8025  Zita gets snowed IMG 8026  Oh Snowy Zita IMG 8027  Mile High and Mt. Evans from my office window
IMG 8028  One of those is a full moon IMG 8029  full moon. IMG 8030  There's the moon IMG 8031  Moon over Dartmouth
IMG 8032  blurry moon IMG 8033  Living the Dream Brewery KDG photo IMG 8035  Tucker presents his movie IMG 8036  7th grade class does poetry
IMG 8037  Tucker on poetry night IMG 8043  A Tucker poem by Oscar. IMG 8044  Movie thing IMG 8045  Buying screws
IMG 8047  Halloween Snow, 2019 IMG 8048  Jammin at Gramma's House IMG 8049  Tom with his Sewing Circle IMG 8050  Tom with his Sewing Circle
IMG 8051  Jama Jams at Gramma's House IMG 8053  Cool Ceramic IMG 8054  KDG IMG 8055  Tucker Pirate
IMG 8056  Tucker Pirate IMG 8057  Tucker the Pirate IMG 8059  The Blue Krewe at Blue Moon's Halloween. IMG 8060  The Inflatables at the Blue Moon Halloween
IMG 8061 IMG 8062  The Inflateables IMG 8063 IMG 8064  The US Women's Soccer Team at Blue Moon
IMG 8065  Blue Moon Halloween IMG 8066  Blue Moon Halloween IMG 8067  Blue Moon Halloween IMG 8068  Blue Moon Halloween
IMG 8069  Blue Moon Halloween IMG 8070  Blue Moon Blues IMG 8072  Blue Moon Halloween IMG 8073
IMG 8075  Blue Moon Halloween IMG 8076  Blue Moon Halloween IMG 8077  Blue Moon Halloween IMG 8078  Krewe De Halloween
IMG 8079  Drum Stuff from Tom IMG 8080  Razor Scooter Store at the Mall IMG 8081  Razor Scooters IMG 8082  The Jam Room
IMG 8083  The Jam Room IMG 8084  The Jam Room IMG 8085  The Jam Room IMG 8088  KDG song list
IMG 8089  Why isn't this the NCAA football championship? IMG 8090 IMG 8091  Tucker's Dance IMG 8092  Tucker's Dance
IMG 8094  Tucker at the Dance IMG 8095  Tucker at the Dance IMG 8096  Tucker at the Dance IMG 8099  Coby, Tucker and David at the Dance
IMG 8100  Coby, Tucker and David at the Dance IMG 8101  Coby, Tucker and David at the Dance IMG 8102  Coby, Tucker and David at the Dance IMG 8103  Coby, Tucker and David at the Dance
IMG 8104  Coby, Tucker and David at the Dance IMG 8105  Coby, Tucker and David at the Dance IMG 8106  Coby, Tucker and David at the Dance IMG 8107  Coby, Tucker and David at the Dance
IMG 8109  Tucker playing Hoops against Shining Mountain IMG 8115  Tucker's Orchestra IMG 8121  Tucker's Orchestra IMG 8122  Tucker's Orchestra
IMG 8127  football? IMG 8130 IMG 8131  Dave and Busters? IMG 8133  On Target
IMG 8134  Blue Moon Thanksgiving IMG 8135  Scoring Tucker's Basketball game IMG 8138  Scoring hoops IMG 8139
IMG 8140  Tucker's Team IMG 8141  REI IMG 8142  REI on the way to Estes IMG 8143  On the way to Estes Park
IMG 8144  Zita Magrita at Oskar Blues in Lyons IMG 8145  Tucker at Oscar Blues in Lyons IMG 8146  Tucker and Sissy at Oscar Blues in Lyons IMG 8147  Tucker at Estes Park
IMG 8148  Sissy at Estes Park IMG 8149  Sunny Sissy IMG 8151  Stanley's Car at Stanley Hotel IMG 8152  Tucker at the Stanley Hotel
IMG 8153  Benny the Elk in Estes Park IMG 8154  Benny the Big Boy IMG 8155  Benny the Big Boy IMG 8158  Who?
IMG 8161  Funny sign IMG 8163  Benny again IMG 8164  Benny Hanging by the Creek IMG 8165  Hi Benny
IMG 8167  Bye Benny IMG 8170  Papaya visits (Sue too) IMG 8171  Papaya!! IMG 8172  Zita and Papaya get along
IMG 8173  Hi Girls IMG 8174  Something is interesting to Papaya and Zita IMG 8175  Papaya likes Zita's Bed IMG 8176  Sue, Tucker and Papaya on the couch at Lincoln St.
IMG 8177  Zita, Sue and Tucker IMG 8178  Sue and Tucker geek out IMG 8181  Pixar Exhibit at DMNS IMG 8182  Pixar Exhibit at DMNS
IMG 8183  Pixar Exhibit at DMNS 190727-sherman-block-party-v2a